I just committed a bugfix that prevents spells in player's inventories from getting damaged. The most visible effect of these damaged spells is the spell remove curse. If damaged, it always says "You are not using any cursed items." even if you are wearing a cursed item. My patch will not fix already damaged spells in player's inventories, it just prevents the server from damaging newly learned spells. From my testing, that bug affects at least the following spells: spell_armour spell_bless spell_charisma spell_constitution spell_curse spell_detect_curse spell_detect_magic spell_dexterity spell_holy_possession spell_protection_from_xxx spell_remove_curse spell_strength To fix a player's inventory it should be sufficient to remove all additional fields from spell_xxx (and probably abil_xxx) entries. For example, a damaged spell looks like arch spell_remove_curse cursed 0 end but a working one looks like arch spell_remove_curse end