[crossfire] ingame music

Andrew Fuchs fuchs.andy at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 14:07:23 CDT 2005

On 6/2/05, Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:
        The obvious question for this is how to handle it.
        Would it be sufficient to have map wide values of 'music' to play, such that
      we just need to add a value to the map header?  Or do people see the need/desire
      that they may want different music depending where on the map they are?
        I'd separate this discussion from that of background or other noises, of which
      those should be tied to objects.  But something like this music wouldn't seem to
      be tied to any specific object.
Yes, having the value in the map header is mainly what is needed,
though hijacking the lighting code would be the way to go for
connecting it to specific objects.

There is also the posibility of adding fields to triger sounds when
items are applied (not hard coded like the current system).

Andrew Fuchs


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