[crossfire] Lone Town Permanent Apartment

Andrew Fuchs fuchs.andy at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 19:20:57 CDT 2005

On 6/4/05, Nicolas Weeger <
     nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
     > wrote:
      One suggestion, then. Prolly complex for nothing, but well.
      * put a creator at desired spot
      * put a teleporter on it
      * teleporter gets activated by the 'buy new cauldron' altar
      * teleporter destination is an altar slaying a cauldron, doing nothing
      (or a "burp" sound?
      * the 'buy new cauldron' also activates (with a small delay?) the creator
      This way, old cauldron (if still there) is removed, and a new one is
      Maybe strange, but should work.
What happens when the player leaves something on the square that
has/had the cauldron on it?

Andrew Fuchs


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