[crossfire] starting server

Neon Lim handphone at gmail.com
Wed May 25 21:35:58 CDT 2005


i am using ssh to control my linux server remotely.
i tried running ./crossfire &

the moment i close my putty, crossfire server is shut down.

the same with ./crossloop &

However, i am successful in using ./crossfire -detach & to start
crossfire server and close my putty and it still running.

My question:
- is there a ./crossloop -detach ? because using ./crossfire -detach
&, if the crossfire server is down, it will not restart..?

- should i run ./crossloop -detach as root or run as normal user?

- is there anyway to restrict the number of race/classes that can be
choosen by players?

- is there anyway to run crossfire server but stop people from making
new characters? because i want to let some players play but stop new
players from creating new character.



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