[crossfire] multipart images

Todd Mitchell temitchell at sympatico.ca
Fri May 27 21:49:59 CDT 2005

Not sure I am following - I am proposing using "x" for single images
greater than a single tile in size.  Images that are a single tile would
still use the "1" as would the first tile in a large image which has not
been merged.  Since the first digit was only to denote the tile order
using x will distinguish multi-tile images from single tile images.

On Thu, 2005-26-05 at 22:19 -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
      Todd Mitchell wrote:
      > Changing the image names will have no impact on your maps, the arches
      > will refrence the proper images if updated properly, it's just mostly a
      > pain to remove and add the image files back into CVS.
      > It wouldn't be much of a standard if we didn't rename the images
      > however...
        I have no issue with x being used.
        However, I'd also have to consider 1 being a proper first digit also 
      (house.111, house.112), as it is only the first part.
        I had used x way back when just to hold the combined large images back before 
      merged images were supported (back then, the merged images were just used 
      because it was easier to make the image as a single piece than split it into 
      small pieces).
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      crossfire at metalforge.org
Todd Mitchell <
     temitchell at sympatico.ca


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