[crossfire] New movement code.

Joshua Wilson josh at woosworld.net
Mon Oct 17 13:48:42 CDT 2005

Brendan Lally wrote:

      Gameplay is to me the key point, If there is drowning, then there is
      no need to have massive alterations to world maps that have open
      bodies of water (and illogical limits on where a player can and can't
      swim). If some characters are not guarenteed to be able to drown, then
      they could go anywhere in a body of water, which would mean a need to
      modify them to define where someone can't swim to.
Your right here - it's all about gameplay.  While I like the idea (an 
elegant solution to the problem) I'm simply exploring the 
holes/complaints I think players/people might try to poke in it.

      The 'all water is partially holy water' argument does have one other
      problem, in that wraiths can drink potions of water with no ill
Indeed - and being rained on if the weather code is used or drinking 
standard water bottles.  That being said it's certainly still a viable 

     Isn't holy water blessed by a priest to become holy, and after it's been
     used no longer "holy" and just "water"?  In this case wouldn't water
     returned to the sea no longer be holy?
      That's an interesting question, I infer from the wikipedia quote
      above, that the water would then no longer be exorcised, but that is
      an unsourced line from a wikipedia article. I have been unable to find
      a better reference myself.
      I do know that the quantity of water recognised as holy by any person
      is a tiny fraction of the world's total (even if the hindu
      intrepretation is used where (as I understand it) the entire river
      gagnes is considered holy - I'm unsure on this point, and would
      welcome it being corrected, I don't think hinduism has exorcism of
      water in the same way as Christianity.)
      Anyway, regardless of the reality of holy water, the world of
      crossfire is polytheistic, one god can define its persistance in
      rivers, seas and streams (but not in glass bottles, or fountains -
      sounds kinda like a gaea sort of claim to me.), while the others
      If their banishments can work against wraith, why not their holy water?
Works for me!

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      crossfire at metalforge.org
Joshua Wilson


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