[crossfire] Unbalanced spell types

Anton Oussik antonoussik at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 03:11:11 CDT 2005

On 9/26/05, Mark Wedel <
     mwedel at sonic.net
     > wrote:
        That said, one thing I said long ago and hasn't been done is the idea that a
      monster (or other object) no longer needs an archetype to cover the extent of
      its image.  With the big image support, a hill giant can be changed so that it
      is only 1 square, but still appears 2 spaces tall.
        Likewise, demon lords could be greatly reduced in size - their full height
      doesn't have to be set.  So that can be done to also reduce the footprint of
      many monsters, also fixing the problem to some extent.
        That said, some monsters, like dragons, can't really be fixed in that way.
I can't really see how this would work in practice without confusing
the player. When they are "behind" the monster in melee combat they
would a) not be dealing damage unless running down, b) not be able to
tell where they are as they would be obscured by the monster, c) be
confused which part of the monster they can run into to deal damage,
and why some monsters you can run into the whole of it, whist with
others only into certain parts of them. Over time they would develop a
habit of only hitting the bottom row of tiles for the fear of
"missing" the monster and running into a room full of them.


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