[crossfire] Crossfire Release Cycles/Methodology

Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Tue Aug 8 02:14:51 CDT 2006


I globally agree, a few points:

>    - Client and server releases will be done at same time, with matching
>      version numbers.
>      - Exception is micro releases, where it may be only the client or
>        only the server released.

This supposes client will evolve too. Experience shows client has a 
development cycle way slower than server. So we may have cases where client 
doesn't really need to be released.

>      - Major release is done when feature set is complete.

That I'm not totally sure I agree.
It's nice to agree on a feature set for next major release. But sometimes no 
one feels working on some point for some months, whereas code moves in 
another area, enough to warrant a major release.
So I'd say we decide on a "wanted features list", but we can release a major 
anyway if enough changes were made.

> - Should we switch to SVN?  Switching repositories at same time as
> switching what the head branch means would make the most sense.

Support switching to SVN. Note that I don't think moving out of Sourceforge 
would make sense, unless we got really really good reasons :)

> - Need some way to drive development - need some way to make sure items
>    on TODO list for next release get done, and that developers just don't
>    work on cool features they want that may not match TODO list.

I don't think we can.
I'd say that's the nature of voluntary work :)
There may be features we think would be required for a major release, but if 
no one feels like implementing it, well, we can't really force people, he ^_-
But hopefully if something makes it to the feature list someone put it there 
and is motivated to do it (yeah, that's dreaming ;p)


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