[crossfire] Crossfire Release Cycles/Methodology

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Tue Aug 8 02:49:16 CDT 2006

Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
> Hello.
> I globally agree, a few points:
>>    - Client and server releases will be done at same time, with matching
>>      version numbers.
>>      - Exception is micro releases, where it may be only the client or
>>        only the server released.
> This supposes client will evolve too. Experience shows client has a 
> development cycle way slower than server. So we may have cases where client 
> doesn't really need to be released.

  True - OTOH, it isn't really harmful to release the client periodically.

  Actually, given this release model, the changes in the server will be greatly 
diminished.  If we look back what was done since 1.0, all of the big features 
would be in the 2.0 target and missing from the 1.x releases.

>>      - Major release is done when feature set is complete.
> That I'm not totally sure I agree.
> It's nice to agree on a feature set for next major release. But sometimes no 
> one feels working on some point for some months, whereas code moves in 
> another area, enough to warrant a major release.
> So I'd say we decide on a "wanted features list", but we can release a major 
> anyway if enough changes were made.

  Perhaps ammended that the list can be revisited at various times.

  If we are talking years between major releases, I think that is a requirement 
- how can anyone really say what things will be like 18 months from now - things 
may change such that some new feature/changes is critically needed.

  Likewise, if there are features on the list that no one is willing to do, it 
may be reasonable to discuss if those features should really be on that list - 
if the list is determined by the developers, there should probably be some 
willingness by the developers to work on those things.

  I guess the main point is that it should be a surprise to anyone when the 
release is done.

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