[crossfire] crossfire source code control systems
tchize at myrealbox.com
Tue Aug 22 03:28:24 CDT 2006
Mark Wedel wrote:
> It's been a couple weeks. So doing a quick scoring (using
> http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:rednaxela:scmtable as the reference):
> Key Requirements (7) 7 7 6¹ 7 6¹
> Top Features (6) 3 3 5.5 4 4
> Nice to Haves (7) 2 6 6.5 7 7
> TOTAL (20) 12 16 18 18 17
> TOTAL2² (30) 20.5 24.5 26.7 27 25
I did not follow this thread, but am curious on this point on the wiki
page. It's stated 'good branch handling' on CVS and SVN as no. Am sorry
to raise it now, but i have been using branching on CVS at work for a
while and we never had any problem with branching.
Also, what is support for symbolic tagging within one repository 'No'
on svn, SVN has support for tags, and because tags&branch create a new
urls in svn, it make it easy to retrieve a specific version or branches
using that url. You can even mix tags if you want (tag only some folders
or get different revision of different folder under a same tag)
The ability to do local branch (which is suppose mean creating a local
repository, working on it and then push your local repository branch to
main server) is marked as 'no' for svn, but according to some doc, it
can be done with SVN-Mirror or SVN-Pusher, it's client side tools you
can install to create your own repository.
Tracking when merge are done is not No on svn, but svn docs about
branching and merging explicitly explain how to track it efficiently and
In fact, reading the wiki page, svn has all the request and all the nice
to have features (bringing a total of 20 and a total2 of 36.5)
Another fact that was not taken into account it the fact sourceforge
hosted revision control has the advantage of not having to duplicate
user accounts. You can use the same accounts for revision control, bug
tracking, releasing, web management, and project admins can manage all
that using a single interface.
I have never heard of darcs, bzr and hg before, but if we get to free
hosting service for those tool, we need to ensure those service won't
disappear in the next 3 years. Sourceforge is a solid corporation held
by VA linux.
The best solution to decide will probably be a vote amongst commiters as
everyone probably has it's preferences.
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