[crossfire] Crossfire 2.0+ features/priorities

Miguel Ghobangieno mikeeusaa at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 1 11:43:52 CST 2006

I think we should have plots and reputation system in
for 2.0.
And a setting to show (by default) 1 attack message
per second or so (rather then "char punches once, and
again, and SUPRISE again!"). It would also be good if
the int for hp, maxhp, sp, and maxsp (used for alters)
was raised to int 32 (it's int 16 now, right?). I
don't think we should mess with the amount of hp
clients or monsters get nor the weap attributes. We
may want to explore the use of regents or something
for spells as talked about before (you need this
before you can cast uber powerfull spell). More
spells... such as circular spells (not 'nova spells',
orbiting spells: ring of fireball, etc etc) might be
nice too. Transports would be good too. 

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