[crossfire] RFC: gtk client with gtk2

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 05:29:59 CST 2006

I've been running the gtk client compiling with gtk2 for about 3 months
now; it works beautifully (better than with gtk1), sdl and all.

The problems I know about seem to be:

- SDL doesn't work for some people.  I couldn't find one of those people
to comment, though.  It works for me.

- If I turn off popups, I can't log in.  Everything else works.  I'm
currently working around this by leaving popups on, then disabling it
after I log in, and not saving the config.  This should of course be
fixed, but with the gtk2 code residing in a separate patch somewhere,
it's somewhat hard, not to mention there's little incentive.

- IIRC, there was some bogosity with the autotools support - the person
who wrote the patch doesn't know enough autotools to add the proper
checks.  I can volunteer to do this, but if someone else who's better at
it than me wants to do it, even better.

So, if we can get around these three items, can we commit the gtk2
support to CVS?

Maybe we should simply commit it right now, on a branch; I volunteer to
keep the branch up-to-date with any client fixes that happen on the
HEAD.  Then when the three problems are fixed, we merge the branch.

Thoughts?  Anyone against it?

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
personal:                              http://www.laranja.org/
technical:                    http://lalo.revisioncontrol.net/
GNU: never give up freedom                 http://www.gnu.org/

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