[crossfire] SVN?

Sebastian Andersson bofh-lists-crossfire-dev at diegeekdie.com
Tue Mar 21 04:39:36 CST 2006

Just adding my anectdotes:

We've used SVN at work for almost two years now. I constantly miss it
when using CVS, but once every couple of weeks the repository locks up
and the admin (me) has to restart apache & recover the repositories (it
takes just a few seconds). There are also a couple of ways to DOS attack
the system that our testers have unintentionally done when commiting
their testfiles... Nothing has been hard to fix, but I don't know how
quick the SF admins are at noticing such things and fixing them.

On the other hand, if the repository is down, one can still check what
files has been modified, make diffs and revert them back to the

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