[crossfire] Create earth wall / earth to dust issue

Robin Redeker elmex at ta-sa.org
Sun May 7 07:23:42 CDT 2006

On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 10:50:09AM +0200, Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
> * earth to dust fails because no object with move_block is on the spot. This 
> is because earth wall that was created has no move_block set - wall is alive, 
> thus player/monsters can't get on it. I'm not totally sure what's the best 
> way to fix that. Maybe spell should have a move_block set?

I noticed that earthwalls changed, so that the monsters can attack you through
it. I wasn't aware of the way the earthwalls were changed, now that i
see how, i'm confused about that hack.

IMHO earthwalls should keep a distance between you and the monsters.
The change in the earthwalls made the monsters attack you through the
earthwall, as if they could see you.
But, if they can see you, you should also be able to see them 
(at least that would be consistent and logic).
This should be fixed IMHO.

I don't know whether move_block implies blocksview, but it shouldn't
if it does. And if it doesnt imply blocksview, earthwalls should be
something like this:

   blocksview 0
   move_block all

If the problem is, that existing maps rely on viewblocking earthwalls
the maps should be fixed and use something different. Maybe make a
second earthwall archetype, with a different name "earthhill" or
whatever. So that the summoned earthwalls are different from the
earthwalls used in the maps.
This would make sense to me: Earthwalls in maps represent some kind
of spillage, where summoned earthwalls should only be some kind of
obstacle for monsters, so that they can't get near you.

elmex at ta-sa.org / robin at nethype.de / r.redeker at gmail.com
Robin Redeker

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