[crossfire] Modelling monsters, longer animations?

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Thu May 11 01:33:21 CDT 2006

Jochen Suckfuell wrote:

> I wouldn't want to see the crossfire client's memory footprint exceed 500 MB
> (or does it already? - long time no play).

  Each 32x32 image should take about 4k (32 * 32 * 4).  There is of course some 
other overhead, but probably not too much.

  Thus, you get about 250 images/MB of memory.  The 5240 images therefore take 
about 21 MB memory (not really true, as some images are bigger, etc).

  All that said, I don't see the images making a huge difference in the memory 

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