[crossfire] About a bug (or feature?)

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Sun Oct 22 22:58:32 CDT 2006

Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
> Hello.
> On tracker there's a bug about bombs and shops, at 
> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1571556&group_id=13833&atid=113833
> Basically, a player can with bombs destroy unpaid items in shops (even in non 
> magic areas).
> Now the question is whether this is something we want to allow or not.
> Personnally I'd say we keep the behaviour as is, letting players destroy stuff 
> if they want :)

  It's a tough call.  One one side, as time passes, various things get removed 
from the game as they are called abusive or unbalanced.  But we have to look at 
how abusive they are/how big a problem they are, as at some point, it starts 
becoming 'this is the only way you can play the game', which can diminish the 
fun for a player.

  However, the problem in this particular case is as Andrew describes - a few 
(single) abusive player can continually destroy shop contents, which diminishes 
the fun for others.

  I'd personally be inclined to say that bombs should not detonate on no magic 
spaces (or if we believe they should blow up on no magic, then perhaps they 
don't blow up on shop spaces, but that is a costlier check) to prevent this.  I 
suppose the teleporters could be changed to strip those objects out, but that 
seems a little odd to me (but perhaps no more odd than money being taken from 
you when you buy stuff).

> Nicolas
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