[crossfire] About a bug (or feature?)

Tchize tchize at myrealbox.com
Mon Oct 23 06:44:26 CDT 2006

Just put a weapon alarm on shop that detects bombs. I player try to
enter with a bomb, he will be refused, and bomb will explode outside.

Other solution: let the DMs handle this on the case by case basis. Some
servers might want to make this kind of terrorism illegal ^ ^. But
illegal does not mean impossible.

Btw, a bomb exploding in a player's inventory should make lot's of
damage to player :D (a real kamikaze)


Mark Wedel a écrit :
> Nicolas Weeger (Laposte) wrote:
>> Hello.
>> On tracker there's a bug about bombs and shops, at 
>> https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1571556&group_id=13833&atid=113833
>> Basically, a player can with bombs destroy unpaid items in shops (even in non 
>> magic areas).
>> Now the question is whether this is something we want to allow or not.
>> Personnally I'd say we keep the behaviour as is, letting players destroy stuff 
>> if they want :)
>   It's a tough call.  One one side, as time passes, various things get removed 
> from the game as they are called abusive or unbalanced.  But we have to look at 
> how abusive they are/how big a problem they are, as at some point, it starts 
> becoming 'this is the only way you can play the game', which can diminish the 
> fun for a player.
>   However, the problem in this particular case is as Andrew describes - a few 
> (single) abusive player can continually destroy shop contents, which diminishes 
> the fun for others.
>   I'd personally be inclined to say that bombs should not detonate on no magic 
> spaces (or if we believe they should blow up on no magic, then perhaps they 
> don't blow up on shop spaces, but that is a costlier check) to prevent this.  I 
> suppose the teleporters could be changed to strip those objects out, but that 
> seems a little odd to me (but perhaps no more odd than money being taken from 
> you when you buy stuff).
>> Nicolas
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