[crossfire] GTK2-v2 Client new layout defined (gtk-v1)

Yann Chachkoff yann.chachkoff at myrealbox.com
Sat Aug 4 12:11:52 CDT 2007

Le samedi 4 août 2007, Kevin R. Bulgrien a écrit :
> Hmm...  So then the mumbler was really just detracting from my feeble
> attempts to work on fixing what I felt like moaning about.  Ok... I get it.
Just as a side note, my original comment was about underlining the (IMO) 
terrible layout of the GTK1 client, one that the GTK2 adaptation didn't make 
any better. 

Or, to speak using other terms: 
 - no, it wasn't a free ad for jxclient; 
 - yes, it meant that regardless of the toolkit used, I found the UI cluttered 
and unfriendly. 

Does that mean it shouldn't be fixed ? Of course not. It simply meant that 
IMHO mimicking the GTK1 client UI didn't fix anything.

> Nope, that make huge assumptions.  All I get is an exception when I do
> that.  On the other client,  it has ./configure that has a chance of
> showing me maybe I don't have all the requirements installed, which I
> suppose has something to do with ant croaking when I try to start it.
If you had spent two minutes googling about it, you'd have found that this 
message was caused by a badly installed/configured ant, and not by a problem 
in jxfire's building process.

Reference (amongst several others):

With a badly installed/configured C toolchain, you'd just get the same kind of 
failure with ./configure. Don't blame the SVN content for a problem in your 
own building chain.

Just my two €-cents.
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