[crossfire] GTK2-v2 Client new layout defined (gtk-v1)

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Sun Aug 5 01:04:24 CDT 2007

Yann Chachkoff wrote:
> Le samedi 4 août 2007, Kevin R. Bulgrien a écrit :
>> Hmm...  So then the mumbler was really just detracting from my feeble
>> attempts to work on fixing what I felt like moaning about.  Ok... I get it.
> Just as a side note, my original comment was about underlining the (IMO) 
> terrible layout of the GTK1 client, one that the GTK2 adaptation didn't make 
> any better. 
> Or, to speak using other terms: 
>  - no, it wasn't a free ad for jxclient; 
>  - yes, it meant that regardless of the toolkit used, I found the UI cluttered 
> and unfriendly. 
> Does that mean it shouldn't be fixed ? Of course not. It simply meant that 
> IMHO mimicking the GTK1 client UI didn't fix anything.

  But for whatever reason, it seems a lot of people like the gtk1 client layout, 
which is why that client still exists and hasn't been completely replaced by the 
gtk2 client.

  So since a gtk1 layout for the gtk2 client does now exist, it would seem that 
once that all gets formalized and set up, there really isn't any reason that the 
gtk1 client couldn't get removed - people would no longer be able to say "I 
don't like that layout", if in fact the layout is the same.  And removing that 
client is one less thing to support, so I think that is all good.

  Now maybe we just need an old X11 layout for gtk2, and then we can get rid of 
that client also :)

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