[crossfire] Summary: Next major CF project

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Tue Aug 14 12:09:49 CDT 2007

> 2a) Re-organize the world so there are different areas for different levels
> (level  1-10 area, level 11-20 area, etc).  Add a main quest(s) that would
> lead a character through these areas up to high level

Well, we could do some quests to have the player visit the world, that sure 
could be fun if well done :)
As I said, I don't like that much the idea of having "main quest" to guide 
you - part of the game imo is to find quests and places to level up.

>   For 2b above, it is a bit vague.  Is 100 quests enough?  50? 200?  An

Quests are enough, as long as we actually write some. There hasn't been any 
change in maps in months, I think... and no real "quest" (by quest I mean 
something more than raffle [enter map, kill everything, take loot], I'm more 
thinking of necromancer / ancient pupland, pupland, scorn royalty quest)

>   Or is what you were really saying is that in order to complete what is
> point 2a, some number of new maps is needed in addition to re-organization
> of what is there?  I suppose some question above applies - should that be 1
> point or 2, but in that case, I would see that if it was 1 project, the
> scope at that point is small enough to be reasonable.

No, didn't mean that, sorry if that wasn't clear :)
I meant "non main quests are important too, to help players discover the 
world, find backstories, whatever" - all the more important as I don't like 
this idea of main quest, there are only "side quests" ;)

Just my 2 cents of €

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref de 
l'aléatoire !]
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