[crossfire] Summary: Next major CF project

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Wed Aug 15 02:52:21 CDT 2007

> I may be "off topic" here, but with the discussion of quests, I wonder why
> current, pre-existing quests shouldn't receive some attention to make them
> compatible with the "quest system".  I filed a sourceforge issue once and
> in it commented about the quest system, and anonymous said that nobody
> wrote any quests so having the system was kind of immaterial.
> Why?
> Are the pre-existing quests not able to be rolled into the quest system? 
> To me getting quests logged somehow would be an excellent way to start out
> improving crossfire.

As Mark said, the quest system was removed - it wasn't really that great 
anyway (I'm the author, so I don't mind saying that ;p)

As I see it, having a quest system from the start is useless.

The way for me to have quests is:
* someone thinks of a nice idea, starts to implement
* wants to do something she doesn't know how to do, asks for help
* someone else does some scripting to implement the nice idea
* quest is nice and fun
* when some more scripting is needed, existing scripts can be adapted

Doing scripts beforehand is useless, no one uses them anyway (just see the 
experience rewarder I made, or even the "old" quest system - it wasn't used 
at all).

So let's first have people *design* quests, then we'll do the infrastructure 
around it :)
(else we *again* fall in the "let's code something! how will it be used? who 
knows, I don't care, I wanna code!" trap)

http://nicolas.weeger.org [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref de 
l'aléatoire !]
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