[crossfire] Summary: Next major CF project

Juergen Kahnert crossfire at kahnert.de
Wed Aug 15 04:18:25 CDT 2007

On Tue, Aug 14, 2007 at 09:20:02PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
> Nicolas Weeger wrote:
> > No, didn't mean that, sorry if that wasn't clear :)
> > I meant "non main quests are important too, to help players discover
> > the world, find backstories, whatever" - all the more important as I
> > don't like this idea of main quest, there are only "side quests" ;)
>   Ok - so it really sounds like you the reorganization of the world
> isn't related to adding new quests, so that these are then separate
> points - a) world should get reorganized and b) new quests/maps are
> needed

New quests / maps are always needed.  This point won't become less
important if not listed or more important if collected lots of votes.

And the idea of having a region with a "main quest" leading through it
is just to help players find their way without spoilers and without
becoming bored / frustrated because they can't find suited maps to play.

There is no need to make it a "guided tour".  It should be more a way to
find interesting maps / quests to play.  It's really annoying to run
around and discover new maps which are boring because your level is far
to high for it (and you didn't found it before where it would be fun).
And on the ohter hand, it's annoying to enter a new map and to find out
that this is far to hard to beat for your level and you die.

The solution is a quest system which gives out quests best suited for
your character level.  This is done far easier by having regions for a
level range than mixing it all together.  Besides that, it's much more
consistent to have monsters of the same strength together; or what
prevents a dragon to eat all the small critters near the dragon cave?

For the gameplay it's also much better to place monsters of the same
strength together.  I don't want to face low level monsters on higher
levels.  There's no fun running through a hord of goblins as a level 20
character, not talking about higher levels...

So the quest system should offer the player maps of the region where
they'll have fun playing.  It should be avoided that the king of scorn
sends out a level 30 character to find the goblin chief, just because
the player discovered this quest far to late.

Same for the titan quest, which isn't solvable for low level players.

Someone could argue that you can come back later.  Sure, but you won't
remember all the maps, and again, you will visit them later with a far
to high level.

At the moment it's far to easy to gain levels and far to hard to find
suited maps.  That's a bad combination and I would say the main reason
why there are so few players around the world.


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