[crossfire] CFDialog Documentation (was Re: Vote: Next major project)

Kevin R. Bulgrien kbulgrien at worldnet.att.net
Wed Aug 22 01:48:44 CDT 2007

On Tuesday 21 August 2007 18:20, Kevin R. Bulgrien wrote:
> > I'm sorry if I'm feeling my temper on this, but that's really BS. Any 
> > 2-minutes search on the Wiki would have told you what you needed to know 
> > about the extension alongside with an example script  (heck, I didn't even 
> > know which keywords would have worked to find the cfdialog page - I just 
> > tried the first words coming into my mind on that topic !). Now, if even a 
> > search in the Wiki is asking too much to a map-maker, then maybe we should 
> > plainly ask the question of the pertinence of maintaining a documentation 
> > wiki in the first place.
> The full-auto, .50 cal. reply does nothing for the project.  I am sorry
> to have offended you.  Whether you see it or not, there _is_ a wall that
> people face when they are not the author's of a feature.  Your complaint
> that people didn't know about the feature proves something, and I do know
> exactly what I am up against when I try to do new things in crossfire.  I
> did, you know, just figure out autoconf/automake when other developers are
> too lazy to do it, so  I could do the libglade conversion, so this is not
> at about being willing or not willing to dig, but it is about facilitating
> people at overcoming barriers with discriminate redundancy, which is a
> known quality of good training.  Two minutes is sufficient to drive most
> people away from something if they know an easier way.  match is easier.
> All your points about resources are good.  They will help if I feel like
> taking on what I firmly believe will help people use the feature.  Whether
> I did it correctly or not might be in question, but the motive behind what
> and why I wrote is for the good of the project, and not to knock a skilled
> and valued individual.  Please take some time to try to believe that.
> Kevin

And after about 3.5 hours of digging... though honestly about an hour was
lost to getting a server compiled, all I have to add is this:


It will _not_ take the next guy 2-3 hours.


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