[crossfire] Arch repository: layered art files? A bigger picture.

Kevin R. Bulgrien kbulgrien at worldnet.att.net
Sat Dec 15 12:13:11 CST 2007

I have de-vaporwared the Graphics Guide on the wiki.  Feel free to
use this page to focus graphic design:


The replies to this thread are appreciated.  My sources are .xcf, so
comments relating to that are useful, however, the discussion about
deletion of prior works seems to indicate that to some extent, I
failed to communicate some of the thought behind committing layered
graphic sources.

Namely, I found that creative use of layers let me re-use portions of
some base graphic to form different views of a graphical set.  Take
the mine wall arch for instance.  The front or side views of the wall
contain portions that are useful for drawing diagonal views (making
possible the fix of the Scorn Port Gate).

This spawned an idea that I could actually combine the whole arch set
into one .xcf file.  Each tile could be reconstructed by turning some
layers off and on.  If a complete set of graphics was not needed, the
source image would facilitate re-use of the pre-existing elements of
graphics needed to render the other views at some time in the future.

To counter one argument against layers for trivial operations, I did
find it very useful to use a separate layer to add bit noise to add
features like cracks, etc.  Some of the reason for this was to let
me experiment with different effects without trashing the underlying
art that was already completed.

This concept may not be practical for open development environments,
but it did seem to imply some side-effect benefits could be realized
by embracing use of layers.

1) Graphical element re-use.  Not a primary rationale for layered
   files, since copy/paste from the png format is possible, but also
   not without plausible benefit.

   Simple "effect overlays" now possible.  Consider Leaf's old idea
   about adding more images with scorch marks...  Why redo the art
   from scratch?  Simply make a scorch mark overlay...

   Similarly, a "weak" version of a wall, for instance, might easily
   be made with an overlay layer that would turn on/off.

   Animation sequences would all be in the same file for quick/easy
   reference where the animation is created by a methodical turning
   on/off of layers.

2) Size consistency.  When "thinking out loud" on IRC today,  I made a
   comment about producing more art.  Ryo asked if I meant things like
   plates, etc.  That, and the wiki page:


   gave me an idea.  What if, for example, all food was in one source
   file, that contained dinnerware?  It could help to keep guide the
   development of consistent sizes for similar objects.

3) Templates.  For items where perspective or other attributes are
   important, template layers could assist the artist.  Relevant
   reference layers could inserted into the source file, not for
   display when exporting to png, but for future re-work.

   Template layers might not be saved with each work, but might
   reside in special template source files.

4) Standard overlays could actually be created for use in maps on aa
   stand-alone basis.  For example, perhaps squiggly line fumes could
   be used to indicate an odorous map element, or burning, glowing,
   and other effects (using transparency) could be separately placed
   on maps to reduce the number of unique redrawn views of standard
   items...  Such overlays could be put into the layered source file
   for effective "pre-view" of the result and tweaking of the graphic
   design so it works with such an overlay.

Seeing the banter on the simple saving of layered sources and thought
about deleting prior works does make one wonder if it is futile to
think that such an organized plan for producing graphics can
succeed when people appear/disappear from the project - not a
criticism as much as an admission that the above ideas might be a bit
too far on the side of being a utopian idealism.

Long Live Crossfire!

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