[crossfire] Undead dragon

Rick Tanner leaf at real-time.com
Fri Jun 1 17:36:39 CDT 2007

> With relation to the bug at 
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1727118&group_id=13833&atid=113833 
> (which isn't per se a bug - dragons worshipping Devourers aren't dragons 
> anymore).
> The is_dragon_pl() function will though return 1, allowing such a dragon to 
> gain resistances.
> So undead dragons can gain resistances, but can't enter dragon guilds.
> What do you think of that?

It's often confusing to players...

> IMO undead dragon must be able to gain resistances, else too hard.
> On the other hand, entering a guild, we can decide some dragon guilds reject 
> undead dragons.
> So I'd say we keep the situation this way :)

What about this work around?

Add a new map to the lower/dungeon area of the Devourers Temple which
only allows undead to enter and has the various elemental residue
available for switching a dragon's metabolism.

This could also tie in to a quest (similar to the Scorn Royalty quest)
where only those who accomplish certain tasks or turn-ins could enter.

Or, a dungeon level added to the dragon guild for the undead dragons.

Just a couple of ideas

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