[crossfire] Undead dragon

Nicolas Weeger nicolas.weeger at laposte.net
Wed May 30 12:18:02 CDT 2007


With relation to the bug at 
(which isn't per se a bug - dragons worshipping Devourers aren't dragons 

The is_dragon_pl() function will though return 1, allowing such a dragon to 
gain resistances.

So undead dragons can gain resistances, but can't enter dragon guilds.

What do you think of that?

IMO undead dragon must be able to gain resistances, else too hard.
On the other hand, entering a guild, we can decide some dragon guilds reject 
undead dragons.
So I'd say we keep the situation this way :)

http://nicolas.weeger.free.fr [Petit site d'images, de textes, de code, bref 
de l'aléatoire !]

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