[crossfire] flame touch & immolation

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Mon Sep 24 02:19:14 CDT 2007

  bug report 1742632 states that immolation (from ruggilli) does not work with 
flame touch.  I've confirmed that that is in fact true, and this is my response. 
I'm posting to the list to get some more responses/input on this, since I'm not 
sure how many people actually read the bug reports.

  If you're using flame touch, you will never immolate anything.  One can
take it to be that the burning nature kills the immolation disease itself.

  On a more exact basis, only if the attacktype does some sort of physical
damage can immolation be transferred.  This also means that other races of
characters that worship Ruggilli and use special weapons that do not have
do physical damage will never immolate anything either.

  If you really want to use immolation, using another skill like karate or
punching would transfer the disease.

  I do think that to some extent, it would make sense for fire attacks to
transfer immolation.  Unfortunately, the code really isn't set up that good
to handle it.  So I'll likely put this into a 'this is a feature' and
'won't fix' category, but will leave this open to some discussion.

  there is one fairly simple fix - make flame touch do 1 point of physical 
damage - it then would tranfer the disease (transferring of diseases has nothing 
to do with amount of damage done).  That still doesn't fix it for other physical 
attacktypes that do pure fire damage.  I don't know if there are other types of 
diseases out there which would also need rework.

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