[crossfire] GTK-V2 "Critical Messages" Pane content improvement

Kevin Bulgrien kbulgrien at att.net
Sat Dec 20 03:37:39 CST 2008

The GTK-V2 Critical Messages pane presently seems rather useless.  Not a lot of
stuff goes there, and I would not call what does go there critical.  Many times
I find myself not seeing chats, tells, etc, because battle messages, praying,
etc. are flooding the messages pane.

Does anyone have an objection to the following message types being routed to
the Critical Messages pane of the GTK-V2 client?

#define MSG_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE          11  /* Changes to attributes (stats, */
                                        /* resistances, etc) */
#define MSG_TYPE_COMMUNICATION      15  /* Communication between players */
#define MSG_TYPE_VICTIM             19  /* Something bad is happening to the player */

The presently supported types are:

/* message types */
#define MSG_TYPE_BOOK               1
#define MSG_TYPE_CARD               2
#define MSG_TYPE_PAPER              3
#define MSG_TYPE_SIGN               4
#define MSG_TYPE_MONUMENT           5
#define MSG_TYPE_DIALOG             6
#define MSG_TYPE_MOTD               7
#define MSG_TYPE_ADMIN              8
#define MSG_TYPE_SHOP               9
#define MSG_TYPE_COMMAND            10  /* Responses to commands, eg, who */
#define MSG_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE          11  /* Changes to attributes (stats, */
                                        /* resistances, etc) */
#define MSG_TYPE_SKILL              12  /* Messages related to using skills */
#define MSG_TYPE_APPLY              13  /* Applying objects */
#define MSG_TYPE_ATTACK             14  /* Attack related messges */
#define MSG_TYPE_COMMUNICATION      15  /* Communication between players */
#define MSG_TYPE_SPELL              16  /* Spell related info */
#define MSG_TYPE_ITEM               17  /* Item related information */
#define MSG_TYPE_MISC               18  /* Messages that don't go anyplace else */
#define MSG_TYPE_VICTIM             19  /* Something bad is happening to the player */
#define MSG_TYPE_LAST               20


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