[crossfire] [Rebootworld] The true (hi)story

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 06:59:12 CST 2008

quoth Nicolas Weeger as of Tue, 30 Dec 2008 09:02:46 +0100:
> Hello.
> Based on your history, I wonder:
> - will we have research lab on magic/technology, aimed at improving the
> powers of this new world?

The science of the world-yet-to-be-renamed is too far beyond what the 
younger peoples can understand.  Magic labs, yes, sure.  There seem to be 
a bunch of those around in the 1.x world, no?  ;-)

> - where is the super technology that was used to create the new world?

Most of it was the gods, actually.

As for the people-yet-to-be-renamed, I'm not sure yet, still pondering 
their fate.

Maybe they're travelling the nothingness trying to locate worlds where 
the Devourers are reaching into and combat their influence before it's 
too late; when that fails, it becomes necessary to contact the local gods 
and bring a sample to "New World".

Maybe they're preparing the people to be able to share their magic/
science.  And it's a difficult to understand plan that will take a long 
time; maybe too long, if the Anti-Gods arrive first.

Or maybe they believe the way to do that is to pick a select few, and 
that's part of what the "hero project" is really about.

Or maybe they have their own agenda.

> - why do inhabitants of this world fighting, instead of cooperating
> to become more powerful?

For a number of silly reasons.

Many (most) don't believe this story; remember, it happened a long time 
ago, for most of them, and exactly how and why it happened, they have 
only the words of the people-yet-to-be-renamed and the elves.

A subset of those who don't believe is those who, even if they heard the 
story, would be too simple to understand it, or those who would 
understand it and blame it on you; that's a large portion of the monsters 
in the game.

Others know all about it, but don't expect the consequences will reach 
them in their lifetimes.  After all, in our world, every Christian 
supposedly believes in the Judgement, but how many do you see preparing 
for it?  A lot, but hardly the majority.

Many simply don't believe there's anything they can do about it; those 
are, if you will, the fatalists.  When the Anti-Gods come, it's over, so 
I'd better take as much as I can from life.  I'd expect that to be a 
rather common view in the Church of Gorokh, for example.

Finally, some are on the side of the Anti-Gods.  Some think the worlds 
*should* be destroyed, for either philosophical or emotional reasons, or 
passed-down doctrine, or simply insanity.  Some are in it out of 
interest; reaping the benefits they get as cultists, and knowing that 
these benefits will grow the stronger the Devourers influence gets, until 
a day when it abruptly ends ;-)

> - why aren't inhabitants formed to this history during their childhood,
> and left in ignorance? you'd definitely want "endoctrined" people to
> work together and don't waste time fighting each other

In the first few generations, yes.  Then people start finding more 
pressing things to do.  Then things degenerate into myth and the younger 
ones stop believing it.  And when the unbelievers grow up they choose not 
to tell the story to *their* children.  And in a few centuries life is 
pretty much back to what it was before the Fall, except with stranger 

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
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