[crossfire] GTK V2 Client (libglade) Release

AnMaster anmaster at tele2.se
Thu Jul 17 12:13:49 CDT 2008

Hash: SHA512

This sounds nice, would this be a 2.0 client or a branch/1.x client?

As far as I can see you are suggesting separate releases of server/maps/arch
and client? Is that correct? I see no need to keep them synced apart from
making sure last stable client and stable server work with each other.


Arvid Norlander

Kevin R. Bulgrien wrote:
| Speaking of releases...  It sure would be nice to see the libglade client
| packaged up after spending all that time working on it and debugging it.
| The original GTK V2 client was released far sooner and buggier.  Another
| two cents that's not worth much in a free project, is that a client
| release would be a heck of a lot easier and faster than rebalancing,
| albeit not as much fun for the releaser.
| I've already toyed around a bit with glade3 and the client layouts.
| with thoughts of resuming development some time.  No reason to
| artificially keep that client out of distribution.  I'm not
| ready to start using the other client.
| Kevin Bulgrien

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