[crossfire] Spell rebalancing notes/thoughts

Juha Jäykkä juhaj at iki.fi
Sat Mar 8 11:01:41 CST 2008

> >   If a fighter has a tactic to defeat a monster and take no damage, that
> > is no problem, as long as he can't do it a lot faster.  For example,
> I'd rather see different classes meaning different tactics and possibly
> different time...

I tend to agree with Nicolas here. It is not a problem if it takes longer to 
gain a level as an X than as an Y. But that would need to be balanced by a 
high level X being more powerful than high level Y, otherwise I don't see 
many people playing X at all. OTOH, perhaps even that is not a problem: in 
many fantasy worlds, being a powerful wizard takes decades of study, whereas 
becoming a powerful fighter is much faster. It's also quite logical: a 
60-year fighter won't be quite so agile and enduring as a 30-year old, 
whereas in a wizard, the age is not so much of an issue. But since we do not 
have character ages in the game, I'm not sure how applicaple this is.


		| Juha Jäykkä, juolja at utu.fi			|
		| home: http://www.utu.fi/~juolja/		|
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