[crossfire] Release 1.12

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 18:22:52 CST 2009

quoth Rick Tanner as of Tue, 06 Jan 2009 16:58:11 -0600:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lalo Martins wrote:
>> - As suggested earlier on this thread, current trunk will become
>>   further 1.x releases.  I remind you, that's for content; the decision
>>   whether or not to do the same wrt server and clients will be left to
>>   the people who take charge of code.
> Going with the assumption that this takes place...
> Some sort of clear notification or announcement will need to be included
> that that player files and content from 1.11 servers are incompatible
> with the 1.12 release.
> AFAIK, there are maps in trunk that require (as in will only work
> with..) archetypes and server code changes in trunk.  So, migrating just
> map(?) content from trunk will likely cause complications or break
> things.
> Or, has this been addressed and I missed such a post?

Maps and arch are "content".  The fact that the server ships with 
collected archetypes is a bit confusing there, as is the fact that the 
artifacts, recipes, etc files are in the server tree; I'd like those bits 
of confusion to be cleared up in 2.x.  On the other side, there are 
scripts in maps that can be considered both code and content :-)

Can you make a list, either here or the wiki, of known points where 1.12 
would break backwards compatibility?  I don't mind required that content 
is updated in step, but breaking character compatibility I'd prefer not 
to (last time that happened people were pretty mad, and with 2.0 in the 
horizon... no need to aggravate people too much.)

If we can boil the incompatibility to only the combat rebalance, then I 
suppose I could write a script that fixes characters.  Or we leave the 
rebalance to 1.13 and then include said script.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
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