[crossfire] Gameplay notes

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Sun Aug 29 00:30:20 CDT 2010

On 08/28/10 12:59 AM, Nicolas Weeger wrote:
> Complement about attacks and diseases :)
> Confusion is really bad for a character. You can't use the cure confusion
> spell (since you'll cast a random spell), so you need to have scrolls or
> wands/staves/rods. If you're immune, that's fine, of course :)
> If the confusion casting monster also uses other spells, you can get in a bad
> situation you have issues escaping since confused.
> Paralyzis is bad too, since being hit when you can't move isn't nice, of
> course.

  Agree on both of those - I think paralyze would be acceptable if the duration 
was much shorter (say for 1-5 ticks) - confusion could perhaps last a little 
longer, but same thing, if it was a short duration, that might be OK.

  I suppose the fact you need scrolls adds some use for inscription :)

  But I think that is also the reason that immune to confusion/paralyze items 
are so popular, because they are so annoying (and potentially deadly).

  I also think that there are 'issues' in the way spells also move - it isn't 
like your character has to make one saving through and is set - because the way 
cones move, you probably get hit by the spell many times, so are almost sure to 
be affected.

> Acid is damaging to items.

  Yes - the amount of damage it does, and/or the fact that there is no way to 
repair them.

  I think experienced players know the monsters to look out for and use other 
methods to kill them - but this is probably a real annoyance for new players.

> Poison is bad generally, but Ghusta is immuned, and Kaori being a dragon
> regenerates enough to fight it.

  I've found in many cases, if you have some amount of healing (or potentially 
enough food), you can outlast it that way also.  It really depends on how many 
hp you have when you get hit by it, and how quickly you can get to someplace 
where you want take any damage other than that of the poison.

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