[crossfire] races

Kevin Bulgrien kbulgrien at att.net
Sun May 23 08:12:47 CDT 2010

> >>    Maybe - certainly the quest giver may vary information based on how he
> >> likes other races.
> >
> > And that could make it more interesting to play in parties, to share quest
> > knowledge.
>   It could certainly be interesting if alternate towns are added.  While trolls 
> may not be liked in scorn, if humans visit the troll village, same thing happens 
> and the troll player actually gets good prices, etc, there.
> >>    True, but probably the two would be a bit too similar to have both (just
> >> like northman + human, while there are some differences, are probably too
> >> similar to really warrant them).
> >
> > As a rule, I would say that having similar races are ok. Not saying we should
> > make 100 times the same, but 3 or 4, why not.
>   As noted in other message, I like fewer races/classes, at least for now, 
> because that is fewer things to balance.
>   But also it is a choice for players.  Imagine if you are a new player and you 
> get a list of 40 races to choose from - that is just too much - you are likely 
> to just choose whatever is first.
>   So I'd rather the number of choices be limited to some amount, and that the 
> choices be different so that players can see why they would choose one thing or 
> another.  If you have 2 races and the only difference is a stat point, one sort 
> of has to ask what is the point there.

Random thought:  accounts might allow for some creativity along the lines of
rewards.  Some games only allow you to play certain characters after you have
met some goal.  Some of the newer Gauntlet's did this.  Other games unlocked
features if you finished the game.  I have no idea of what would be involved
to do something like this, but one could allow access to other races, etc.
only to an account that had a character that had much some goal.

On balancing, this might allow some types of imbalance to remain since the
rational that people would quit if dissatisfied, or that character setup would
be confusing to a newbie, might not really apply as much.


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