[CF-Devel] improving the PR-code (patch written)

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Mon Dec 11 22:52:29 CST 2000

Andreas Vogl wrote:

      o When the player's state of resistance changes, a new kind of
        message shows up: The percentage of the new (current) resistance
        is displayed. I consider this very helpful, especially in combat.
        It just plain sucks to need a rod of perceive self all the time.
        That worked fine while there was no more than two classes of
        resistances (prot. & immu.), but now this is no longer acceptible.
 Just a note, the two unix clients have been modified to show resistance values
(in numeric form) in the stat bar window.  So it is very easy to see what your
resistance values are.

 Since the client knows when resistances change, it could generate the message
is so desired.

 This isn't a big deal, but I just wanted to make people aware of this feature
of the client.  You will need to grab the CVS client, as this was not in the
last official release.


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