[CF-Devel] Valriel, glowing players.

Jan Echternach echter at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Thu Dec 21 07:12:27 CST 2000

On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 08:57:55PM +1100, 
     dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au
      but we are still having doubts. Jan expressed the concern that it may make
      it worse for the player, not better, to be glowing. Peterm remains
      I am slightly weighted towards making them perm glow (Making it both a
      benefit and a bane). I am wondering what people think, of making players
Glowing was proposed as an advantage, and I objected to it because it
has significant disadvantages.  But I have no argument against giving
Valriel a disadvantage.  So go ahead and implement the permanent glow.
Valriel isn't an assassin after all.  Monsters see its followers before
they strike.



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