[CF-Devel] Wow!

Pertti Karppinen (OH6KTR) pjka at cc.jyu.fi
Mon Nov 13 12:02:42 CST 2000

I was told, that Kudos should go out to Mark on this one:
Best visual effect of the year Oscar goes to: .... drumroll ...
traps not obscuring thing beneath them.

Way cool!!!
It was perhaps the most annoying thing with the original (well for me
original 0.94.3 crossfire) code.
I mean now it looks like it was supposed to look.

I bow before excellence.

Now if only someone would fix wall of thorns (better yet, would get rid of
it ....) 

roWer a devouted follower of Mostrai, sworn to the secret art of sorcery
BSc. Pertti Karppinen <
     pjka at iki.fi
     >                   |'Bridge Players |
Systems Designer, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland    |      Do        |
      | Office  : +358 14 260 2088 |      It        |
HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF  | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table'  |


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