Umm, I am noticing a common trend that people are worried players are going to be easily able to get high resistances and be walking gods, thus some suggestion have "caps" in them. Firstly, caps in general are bad because it limits the expandability of the game. Currently Issues have appeared due to caps at 30 on all stats, we don't want further caps. If a combination of items exists that is too powerful, we change the items, not the player. Secondly, there seem to be a big fear of goin above 75-80% resistance, I think this is unjustified. I don't know if you realise how much damage high level monsters do, but with my lag, if I walk into a room without full immunities and there are two dragons, with protection from fire, I don't even have time to hit run or heal. I fear even at 90% or greater, there are monsters out there that will cut players to shreads in a few moments, let alone when a player gets surrounded. Not only this, but if we do go for the armour style PR, getting to 90% will be a bitch already, and there are plenty of vuns that will make sure some gods etc cannot reach immunity. (100%- 10% etc.) All I have to say is I am against anything that limits what a player can aim for. Ohh no, a wizard can get to 90% fire resistance with these items etc. etc., all we do is change the items.. they are all going to need changing around anyway... dnh