[CF-Devel] Pr (especially Jan)

Jan Echternach echter at informatik.uni-rostock.de
Wed Nov 15 08:04:01 CST 2000

On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 12:11:36AM +1100, 
     dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au
      Firstly, caps in general are bad because it limits the expandability of
      the game. Currently Issues have appeared due to caps at 30 on all stats,
Some limits are needed.  Otherwise you're permanently making both players
and monsters stronger.

      Secondly, there seem to be a big fear of goin above 75-80% resistance, I
I'm not sure what this has to do with my suggestion.  The protection
values I suggested are abstract values that have no direct relation to
how much they actually protect.  This relation is in a speperate
table.  This table can contain a value of 75% for a protection value of
50, or a value of 90%.  You can even change the values in the table
later if they turned out to be too low (or too high) without changing
any items.



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