[CF-Devel] Pr (especially Jan)

Michael Toennies mtx93 at tzi.de
Wed Nov 15 11:53:00 CST 2000

      Umm, I am noticing a common trend that people are worried players are
      going to be easily able to get high resistances and be walking gods, thus
      some suggestion have "caps" in them.
      Firstly, caps in general are bad because it limits the expandability of
      the game. Currently Issues have appeared due to caps at 30 on all stats,
      we don't want further caps. If a combination of items exists that is too
      powerful, we change the items, not the player.
Hm, this thread goes in the false direction. I programmed and played with
caps and
there is nothing about to worry. If they dont fit, you simply change them.
They are
the best way to balance things because they work like a scaling value.
Simply remember
a light button, which you can turn and make the light brighter or not. A cap
is the same.

They limit nothing. If it not bright enough, you simply turn on the control
and make it
brighter. Thats the prinzip. Thats why i implement in most games/programs i
do a real value,
which scales the damage. If it don't fit after a change i set the scale
value to 0.9  or so,
and its maybe better. Caps are more complex but work in the game play in the
same way.

I dont know what this talking about 80-90% res as "is nearly enough to get
should be. At the moment, you walk in the game with simply res. and you
don't get
killed all times. It works.

We remove in the past most items with total immunities, there is only the
lava slasher
left when i remember right (the dragon mail is dropped by AV).

And yes, i fear to much immunities, because i walk some times with dragon
mail and lava
slasher and the game get fast to easy. So i know where i talking about.

And i don't want get a value of xx or yy. Simpy set the caps, test, if not
enough change it
slightly and test again. Then we have a perfect line. 30% or 90%, if it
works, ok.

      Secondly, there seem to be a big fear of goin above 75-80% resistance, I
      think this is unjustified. I don't know if you realise how much damage
      high level monsters do, but with my lag, if I walk into a room without
      full immunities and there are two dragons, with protection from fire, I
      don't even have time to hit run or heal. I fear even at 90% or greater,
      there are monsters out there that will cut players to shreads in a few
      moments, let alone when a player gets surrounded. Not only this, but if we
      do go for the armour style PR, getting to 90% will be a bitch already, and
      there are plenty of vuns that will make sure some gods etc cannot reach
      immunity. (100%- 10% etc.)
Well, and thats what we don't want to change: you should not run into rooms
maybe dragon are without immunity and survive longer than a second. If you
can survive this,
you can kill them too.

Dragons are the biggest common monsters in game. They should be fearsom at
all times. In my
personal view, the blue dragons are far not powerful enough. With
reflection, you can stand in
the fireline of the beasts without taking damage. And you can kill them
easily with sorig avatars
from the distance.

At level 30, with an enchanted shootingstar and str 30, i kill a red dragon
in hand to hand
combat with simpy res. He dont drain me fast enough with his fire. If he do,
i simply give a healing
spell or restoration in the fight and then he is really gone. So, if you
know how, they are easy.

But i love to kill them with game play. It is always fun to run in, see your
hp drop like hell, cast
the earth wall and  the healing spell and run out. Drop the bombs then and
again... That how it should

It is the trick to look in the room first, glance and ready to run like

      All I have to say is I am against anything that limits what a player can
      aim for. Ohh no, a wizard can get to 90% fire resistance with these items
      etc. etc., all we do is change the items.. they are all going to need
      changing around anyway...
Also, 90% of all maps are simply playable with the "big 3": fire, cold,

If you don't get enough damage from this, the game is broken. All other
damage is
"not really common" at the moment or do not enough damage (except
confusion/paralyze and the other
"non damage" effects).



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