Michael Toennies wrote: > > Hi > > I think about some background sounds. I don't like normally music as > background sounds, > except suckers like diablo or Baldurs Gate. I can stream music/mp3 but for > this we need > some music artists and they are also as mp3 very long. > > So, there is one more way exclude midi (i don't like midi). > > I loop one sound, a wind streaming sound for example. Also, you define 2-4 > other > sounds, bird crys or rumble for example, which you play at random all few > seconds. Note that sounds of any type will almost always be done the way they are now - the sounds will be local to the client. So the size of the sounds isn't quite as relevant, since they won't need to come from the server. > what we need is, that if you enter a map, the server must sends the number > of the background > sounds in an own command. If I ever get around to extending the objects, I would like to be able to specify 'ambiant' sounds. So for example, fountains could have an appropriate sounds, rivers same thing. Although, I guess that could get a little annoying - for example, you may want to add an ambiant sound for forest (birds chirping or something), but when you have big stretches of forest, you would then need to deal with lots of ambiant sounds. So perhaps invisible sound objects may be the way to go. In the case of forests, you could sprinkle a few of these objects about. I'm not sure the trustworthyness of sending all sound information to the client when the map is loaded. IF its just things like fountains, probably not a big deal. But I could see background noises attached to some items/places that the mapmaker wants you to be able to hear as you get closer. If the client knows that sound originates from 15,40, that could be an advantage to the player. I don't really like the idea of 'global' background sounds per map - many maps vary widely in terrain and features. > > I also find it good, if the player gets a map name. If you enter it, you got > for example "treasure room", > "Scorn City", etc. I have a small text line where i can show it under the > map. It will make orientation > much more simple. It will be very useful for complex maps and for newbies. > For places you don't want > tell the player you can send "a unknown place" or something. In all cases, > it will give more game/player > conversation. I like the mapname idea. Unfortunately, a lot of maps don't have official map names.