[CF-Devel] RE: Suggested fun project for someone....

Pertti Karppinen (OH6KTR) pjka at cc.jyu.fi
Tue Sep 12 01:57:59 CDT 2000

On Mon, Sep 11, 2000 at 04:05:00PM +0200, Andreas Vogl wrote:
      To improve your weapon, what you need is: A few improvement scrolls,
      a few diamonds and many many stats potions. The potions are the only
      tough part of it. But since there are many places to find potions,
      that lenghtens the process but it´s still far from being impossible.
      Example - the weapon of my main character on voldsbooks:
      red_blaze´s Calamity +20
      	(dam+40)(improved 26/44)(Attacks: physical, electricity, cold, drain
      	poison, paralyze, depletion, death)   weight: 0.015 kg
      However, I don´t really want to complain about it. It´s kinda fun to
      collect the potions and scrolls, looking forward to the "perfect weapon".
      It could be tougher, but I would miss it if it was completetly removed
      or sth. And you need some very high level to wield such a weapon anyways.
This example is a bit misleading. The weapon in question has actually 33
improvements, which is clearly a bug. You shouldn't be able to add stat
modifiers to weapons who allready have them (or 35 or 31 if You calculate
the charisma modifiers). Also You've used the other bug in the system, 
namely the bug to be able to get attack types from different gods to same
weapon, as calamity 'naturally' has only phys, cold, poison and paralyze
attack types. Using a lowlevel char to pray over other gods altar to
add an attack type to a weapon is, in my opinion a bug, not a feature.
Weapons should become 'of God' also when they get an ttack type from
god, not only when they become slaying. Also I find personally
Calamity to be a bit too powerful a weapon to be achieved so easily.
About everything You need is chainmail of winter and polished shield.

Also You're at level 107 (max) in physique skill obviously, so there's
not a lot to say about choice of weapons (I use gray unicorn horn to 
kill megadragons on that phys level). You get get to use one weapon
improvement (over the 5 You can use at start) for every 5 phys levels.
So in order to have all stats at 30 You most probably allready
are at general level 110.
BSc. Pertti Karppinen <
     pjka at iki.fi
     >                   |'Bridge Players |
Systems Designer, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland    |      Do        |
      | Office  : +358 14 260 2088 |      It        |
HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF  | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table'  |


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