[CF-Devel] Grump

Peter Mardahl peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Sat Apr 7 20:56:59 CDT 2001

      I would like to point out, that many game changes are being made (see
      peterms recent change to food weight). I consider that a fairly major
      change, and yet no one even raises an eye brow. Now that I make a small
      change that has an EASILY fixed bug every cracks the shits.
Well, I have to admit I forgot about the code freeze.

The "food lightening" change I made was therefore out-of-line, and
I was wrong to do it.

However, the change to reduce the performance impact of multiple
burnouts and firetrails was legitimate.

      ever you can. I asked peterm about this change, and showed him what I
      wanted to do. Then I tested it on my own server, it works fine. So I say
      "<Darth_bob> okay, im commiting it now" and that gets the ok.
I did do as DB said:  I forgot about the code freeze, and being
able to eat food and waste some seemed like a fine idea to me.

      how to do it. Then I get all sorts of RUDE messages like "how could he do
      that?" and "You should have asked me first". I believe I am given the
Well, DB, I think a thicker skin is called for at this point.

The fast-healing-bug really DOES need to be fixed, and the smallness of a
change is sometimes in the eyes of the beholder, i.e., you and
me vs. others.

But even AV agrees that the change is OK so long as we
remove the fast-healing bug.

So the criticism about the bug is justified, and complaints about
making a change during the code freeze are also justified, and I
accept part of the blame because I encouraged you to do it!
(We've got to encourage new developers, eh?)

To address another point, yes, 
in general, those of us with CVS access *are* allowed to
make small changes at our discretion. 
Everything doesn't have to be discussed to
death, and I truly think it'll be uncontroversial to put this
into effect provided we remove the fast-healing-bug.



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