[CF-Devel] Further bugs with regen rates.

Jochen Suckfuell crossfire at suckfuell.net
Mon Apr 9 09:24:31 CDT 2001

      I can't tell about the hp regeneration, but it's definitely true that
      increases sp regeneration. This is an (_the_) important means to get sp
      cast several holy possessions and pray, and your sp increase really fast if
      have magic+5.
      Hmm I don't experience this, what god do you worship? I know that when you
      pray back grace points it speeds up sp regen, but not at such a rate as
      you describe. I know that by habit, when ever I am using lots of sp and I
      run out.. I restore and pray, restore and pray to get it to go faster...
     I'm playing a Quez, so maybe you should take off all armour and try then.


Mosher's Law of Software Engineering:
	Don't worry if it doesn't work right.  If everything did, you'd
	be out of a job.

--- eMail 
     jochen at suckfuell.net


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