Two strange bugs: Both when playing on the server First, I suddenly had lost all skills and all equipment, except that I suddenly had one sword, 400gold and one rod. I battled a red dragon and after the fight I opened my sack. It didn't work, so I tried somehting else, but that didn't work either (I guess now that's because my client showed me I had all this stuff, but the server didn't agree.) I ran back to my apartment and saved and reentered. That's when I realised that everything was missing. Second, I just stumbled upon another problem. I was hitting some beholders with "cause serious wounds" when suddenly my inventory got a lot shorter. I had a look and it seems all equipment not wielded/in use had disappeared. Now when I then unwear something, it disappears. I try to save and reenter into the game, but it still behaves the same. if I unwear/unwield something, it disappears. yours, Magnus. ( crossfire://Mange@ )