[CF-Devel] RE: rogue like games gfx

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Sat Feb 10 18:54:16 CST 2001

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Mårten Woxberg [mailto:
      maxmc at telia.com
      Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 11:20 PM
      To: Michael Toennies
      Subject: Re: rogue like games gfx
      >We have one problem: After changing the gfx tiles from 24x24x16 xpm tiles
      >to 32x32 true color png files, we lake in good gfx. Because we have some
      >powerful animation system also for multi tile monsters, we can
      also put in
      >animated monsters/gfx of any size.
      I've downloaded the DX client and ran around everywhere to see what
      kind of tiles there is..
      I've made some small updates but It's going to take a while..
      even if Im only replacing images with what I allready have..
      Although I have a problem... which colors are transparent
      and which do something else..
      Im using Paintshop pro currently and it's not that nice to
      the palette.. I'll try Gimp for windows tonight..
      I hope the naming convension is the same on all servers..
      eg. I can replace the pictures in my cache with my pictures
      and keep the name?
      I'll upload a zip this week to my site, with the updated graphics..
      it won't be more than 20 tiles or so.. but it's a start..
                   The Roguelike Graphics Page (Maintainer)
            Jihad Roguelike (Tile Artist)

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