[CF-Devel] The Monk

Bob Tanner tanner at real-time.com
Wed Jan 10 14:00:35 CST 2001

Quoting Michael Toennies (
     michael.toennies at nord-com.net
      > I have started testing out Gaea with a monk and have come across a few
      > issues. First off I have started redoing the xpm images for the monk as I
      > don't like the current ones. The first of this set can be found at,
      > I believe the monk should be a powerful cross between warrior wizard and
      > monk. Strongly religous to the state of a zealot, these warriors go out in
      > search of blasphemers and put them to rights. I disagree with the current
      > setup, which is (remember there is +2 because of weapon disadvantage)
I always thought of monks as warrior/priests. 

Spells of healing and nature.

The monk is a master at defense, not offense. That is why DEX is so important.
That is also why as the monk levels, his AC drops.

I have never played nor have I read where a monk (reglious person) running into
melee shouting the praises of his god and casting fireball. :-)

Why play the monk? The criticial hit. Every RPG I have played gives the monk a
critical hit and that is why the monk can rock.

I always visioned the monk standing behind the melee, casting cure light wounds
on his party, until that fateful momement when one comrade drops. The monk
springs forward to defend his fallen friend and strikes the monster just below
the base of the skull and the monster drops dead.

Bob Tanner <
     tanner at real-time.com
     >       | Phone : (952)943-8700
                      | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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