[CF-Devel] polymorph - same old story...

dnh dnh at hawthorn.csse.monash.edu.au
Sat Jan 20 06:37:07 CST 2001

On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Andreas Vogl wrote:

      Mark has tried to remove/reduce the worst effects of the 
      polymorph-spell. Unfortunately, polymorph is still terribly
      Now that we have these god-relicts (Lythander's bow, etc),
      players gather those with polymorph easily (since the value
      of these items is null). Moreover, players are still able
      to morph one artifact (like bonecrusher) into another.
      No matter what we do, there will always be arches with low/medium
      value that are *not* meant to be handed out to players freely.
This is exactly it. The first and most important is it must be taken off
rods, but the fact remains with abit of luck and a few spare dollars.. any
item can be gotten. That is not right, it should be removed from item

      Again I ask you: Why don't we remove polymorph?
Because it is someones work and it seems unfair to do it, none the less I
agree it needs to be removed.

      "Balancing" polymorph will never fully work, forget it. And what
      benefit does that spell add to the game anyways?
      It's all just for a "certain cool effect". I would not miss it
Yeah, its a great idea... but the way CF works we can't implement it
easily. I second AVs opinion.



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