[CF List] Too stupid...

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Wed Jul 4 16:44:33 CDT 2001

"Andrew D. Bagdanov" wrote:
      You're probably right...  Although I don't think having artifacts as a
      newbie upsets the game balance too much, it does devalue the worth of
      artifacts in general.
 There are probably two main perspectives on this:

1) As a player, you get these gifts and say 'wow cool- this is so great, and
makes life easier'.
2) As a developer/map designer, they see this get done and meant that artifact
for higher level

 How much it affects game balance is harder to say.  But if its a good artifact,
that makes play easier, and thus gaining exp easier.

 I think the other problem as mentioned is that if  players give these artifacts
to other newbies, then when the newbie does eventually get around to doing that
quest, they already have the artifact, so the reward is nothing special.

 It has been suggested in the past the items should have different minimum level
requirements before a person could use it.  I would venture to say that those
suggestions are in large part due to the frequent gifting of powerful artifacts
to low level characters (as I believe all artifacts themselves are located at
appropriate level, so that min level requirement would probably never kick in
for characters that got the artifact themself).

 But it was mentioned that things like money or other common gifts are OK.  This
in itself if tricky - giving a first level character 500 plat will make their
life much easier (they can probably afford at least +2 items of the appropriate
type for their character).  And I know that if I have duplicate artifacts, I'll
sell the extra one to a shop, which means someone could come up and buy it.

 At the same time however, it is a multi player game, and if these exchanges
never took place, it looses some of that.

 My personal thought is selling/trading objects is very reasonable - especially
if it is something that is fairly common but the shops may be sold out of.  If a
person needs a potion of life and you have a pile, selling it for a fair price
seems completely reasonably to me (the the payment may just be future
consideration, ie, return the favor perhaps or give some other potion).

 But dropping off a set of +3 dragon mail to the less than 5'th level character
because you don't need it seems a bit execessive on generousity.


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