[CF List] race, profession, guild & titles (Getting tired)

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Sat Jul 21 08:54:08 CDT 2001

Chachkoff Y. wrote:

Just a few non-techincal notes... ;)

      - It may be easy to do, and there may be no good reason not to do it.
      Then why no coder already made a model and published as a patch here so
      anyone can test it ? Should I or Mich. Toennies go again alone to see it
      included one day ? Where are all the coders gone ?
Well, Crossfire isn't that large a project. We never had hoards
of coders. And besides, it's summertime and some of us (like me) have to
make their stand with exams.

      I admit some discussion is a neccessity  to get a good consensus, but
      must be a time to take the final decision  and go one step further! If it
      takes two weeks for a thing as simple as the player title, how long could
      it take to decide what to do with more important things like new object
      structure or multiheaded server ?
The critical point is always "who does it?", rather than "is it okay to do
Discussing things without anyone having volunteered to code it often
ends at a dead point when everything is said and nothing is done.
Personally I try to stay out of such kinds of discussions, but
opensource means that anyone is welcomed to post ideas and discuss them.

To my experience, the best way to go is the following:
1) You have an idea, and post it to the list. Explain why it's
   and ask if nobody has any serious reason against it.
2) Code it (or get it coded by a friend). Never expect a "random person" to
   do it after reading the idea on the list.
3) Post to the list that it's done, explain how it works and that it
   won't have any big disadvantages.
4) Commit it to cvs.

This has always worked fine for me, and never caused inconvenience
(well, I hope so).

      I'm sorry if all this sounds quite "rude", [...]
      (I think I'll get *lots* of friends with this...)
Don't worry, I understand your point.
When you are in the CF community for a while, you'll get used to these
kinda things. It's really not a big deal.

Andreas V.


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